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Erro ao utiliazar a funçao unlink()

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    Duvida Erro ao utiliazar a funçao unlink()

    Bom galera como diz o titulo estou tendo problemas ao utilizar a função unlink() se alguem puder me ajudar,
    e parte do codigo esta abaixo e do robson v. leite o curso, mas nao sei pq tem coisas que ta dando erro aqui... bom vai ter uns aquivos que são externos, mas isso esta certinho o erro esta abaixo !

    Código PHP:
    <?php include_once"sistema/restrito_admin.php";?>
    <div id="local">
       <div class="caminho">Onde Estou &raquo; Painel de Controle &raquo; Cadastrar Anuncio</div><!--FECHA CAMINHO-->
       <div class="welcome">Olá <?php echo $clienteNome?> | Hoje <?php echo date('d/m/Y H:m').'h';?> | <a href="logoff.php">Deslogar</a></div><!--FECHA WELCOME-->
    </div><!--FECHA LOCAL-->
    <div id="content">
    <?php include_once('menu.php'); ?>
     <div id="content_conteudo">

    <span style="font:16px 'Trebuchet MS', Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; color:#069;">1: Informações | 2: Endereços | <strong>3: Imagens</strong></span>

    <?php if(isset($_POST['executar']) && $_POST['executar'] == 'Próximo Passo'){
    $imovelId         $_POST['imovelId'];
    $imovelRua        strip_tags(trim($_POST['rua']));
    $imovelNumero     strip_tags(trim($_POST['numero']));
    $imovelBairro     strip_tags(trim($_POST['bairro']));
    $imovelProximo    strip_tags(trim($_POST['proximo']));

    $sql_enderecoImovel 'UPDATE gue_imoveis SET imovelRua = :imovelRua, imovelNumero = :imovelNumero, 
                           imovelBairro = :imovelBairro, imovelProximo = :imovelProximo WHERE imovelId = :imovelId'
    $query_enderecoImovel $conecta->prepare($sql_enderecoImovel);
    PDOexception $error_updateImovel){
    'Erro ao atualizar imovel'.$error_updateImovel->getMessage();    


    <?php if(isset($_POST['executar']) && $_POST['executar'] == 'Enviar Imagem'){

    $imovelThumb $_FILES['img'];
    if (
    $imovelThumb['type'] == "image/jpg" || $imovelThumb['type']== "image/jpeg" || $imovelThumb['type']== "image/pjpeg" )
      if (
    'Arquivo muito grande. Tamanho máximo permitido 1Mb. O arquivo enviado contém '.round($imovelThumb['size']/1024).'kb');  
    $imagemNome ='cliente='.$clienteId.'-'md5(uniqid(rand().$imovelThumb['name'])).'.jpg';
    $imovelPasta "../midias/";
      if (!
    $imagemCaminho $imovelPasta.$imagemNome;
    $sql_cadastraImagem  'INSERT INTO gue_midias (imovelId, imovelImg) ';
    $sql_cadastraImagem .= 'VALUES (:imovelId, :nome)';
    $query_cadastraImagem $conecta->prepare($sql_cadastraImagem);
    '<div class="ok">Imagem cadastrada, envie outra!</div>';
    PDOexception $erroImagem){
    '<div class="no">Erro ao cadastrar imagem</div>';   
    '<div class="no">Erro ao cadastrar imagem, Envie uma Imagem no formato .JPG</div>';

    <form name="cadastraImovelCliente" action="" method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data">

        <h2>Você pode enviar até 8 imagens!</h2>
        <h3>&raquo; clique em selecionar arquivo!</h3>
        <h3>&raquo; selecione a imagen</h3>
        <h3>&raquo; clique em enviar imagem</h3><br />
        <h2>Ao selecionar Todas as imagens clique em Finalizar!</h2>

        <input type="file" name="img" size="60" />
        <input type="hidden" name="imovelId" value="<?php echo $imovelId?>"/>
        <input type="submit" name="executar" id="executar" value="Enviar Imagem" />
        <input type="submit" name="executar" id="executar" value="Finalizar" />
    Código PHP:
    <?php if(isset($_POST['executar']) && $_POST['executar'] == 'Excluir'){
    $fotoId    $_POST['fotoId'];
    $imovelImg $_POST['imovelImg'];

    $sql_deletaImg 'DELETE FROM  gue_midias WHERE fotoId = :fotoId';
    $query_deletaImg $conecta->prepare($sql_deletaImg);
    $pastaDel '../midias';
    '<div class="ok">Excluida</div>';
    PDOexception $error_delImg){
    'Erro ao excluir';

    Código PHP:
    <div class="galeria_all">
    'SELECT * FROM gue_midias WHERE imovelId = :imovelId';
    $query_pegaImagem $conecta->prepare($sql_pegaImagem);
    $resultado_pegaImagem $query_pegaImagem->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC);
    PDOexception $error_pegaImagem){
    'Erro ao selecionar imagens';
    $resultado_pegaImagem as $resImagem){
    $fotoId $resImagem['fotoId'];
    $imovelImg $resImagem['imovelImg'];
    <div class="galeria_cadastro">
          <span class="imagem"><img src="../midias/<?php echo $imovelImg?>" width="100" alt="Exibição" /></span>
          <form name="execluirImagem" action="" enctype="multipart/form-data" method="post">
            <input type="hidden" name="imovelId" value="<?php echo $imovelId;?>" />
            <input type="hidden" name="fotoId" value="<?php echo $imovelImg;?>" />
            <input type="hidden" name="fotoId" value="<?php echo $fotoId;?>" />         
            <input type="submit" name="executar" id="executar" value="Excluir" />
          </div><!--galeria cadastro-->
     </div><!--FECHA GALERIA ALL-->
     </div><!--FECHA CONTENT_CONTEUDO-->
    </div><!--FECHA CONTENT-->

    <?php include_once('footer.php'); ?>
    Esse erro so acontece quando acionado o botão de Excluir que seria para eliminar do banco de dados e da pasta armazenada imagem... Seria alguma configuração do php.ini ou é codigo errado mesmo ? quem puder ajudar grato Plisss!

    segue uma imagem do erro !

    "stay hungry stay foolish" - Um perfeito círculo virtuoso, talvez utópico, mas alcançável.
    Steve Jobs

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    Cara.... o erro acontece nessa linha né?

    Código PHP:
    Se voce estivesse rodando o sistema em linux só era falta de um chmod, pois o erro é de permissão denida...

    O php, windows tem acesso para deletar esse arquivo que voce esta tentando deletar?

    Tenta colocar o endereço completo cara.... Se nada disso te ajudar avisa que vou ver o código inteiro mesmo...

    Um dia saio dessa merda... Governo só gosta de vagabundos!


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      Postado Originalmente por V4g_Br4Ck3r Ver Post
      Cara.... o erro acontece nessa linha né?

      Código PHP:
      Se voce estivesse rodando o sistema em linux só era falta de um chmod, pois o erro é de permissão denida...

      O php, windows tem acesso para deletar esse arquivo que voce esta tentando deletar?

      Tenta colocar o endereço completo cara.... Se nada disso te ajudar avisa que vou ver o código inteiro mesmo...

      Então tem sim acesso sim pra excluir ja tentei coloca tmb o chmod mas mesmo assim ele nao deleta.
      se quiser todos os arquivos pra visualizar me add msn que te mando...


      "stay hungry stay foolish" - Um perfeito círculo virtuoso, talvez utópico, mas alcançável.
      Steve Jobs


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        Vei... eu j'a fiquei de ajudar um cara com um contador de cliques e estou me fodendo aqui por causa da faculdade... Vou reler seus posts e ver se vejo o que se passa...
        Um dia saio dessa merda... Governo só gosta de vagabundos!


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          <?php if(isset($_POST['executar']) && $_POST['executar'] == 'Excluir'){
          $fotoId    = $_POST['fotoId'];
          $imovelImg = $_POST['imovelImg'];
          $sql_deletaImg = 'DELETE FROM  gue_midias WHERE fotoId = :fotoId';
              $query_deletaImg = $conecta->prepare($sql_deletaImg);
              $pastaDel = '../midias';
              echo '<div class="ok">Excluida</div>';
              }catch(PDOexception $error_delImg){
                echo 'Erro ao excluir';
          Voce não informou a imagem, o que a função acaba lendo eh uma referencia nula .
          Da uma pesquisada sobre isso .


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            de acordo com a foto do erro ele ta encontrando só a pasta ("../midias/") e não tem o arquivo da aparentemente não ta encontrando o campo tem que verificar o calor que ta sendo enviado ou fazer uma validação da seguinte forma:

            <?php if(isset($_POST['executar']) && $_POST['executar'] == 'Excluir'){
            $fotoId = $_POST['fotoId'];
            $imovelImg = $_POST['imovelImg'];

            $sql_deletaImg = 'DELETE FROM gue_midias WHERE fotoId = :fotoId';
            $query_deletaImg = $conecta->prepare($sql_deletaImg);

            if($imovelImg != ''){
            $pastaDel = '../midias';
            echo '<div class="ok">Excluida</div>';
            echo 'Erro ao excluir o arquivo';

            }catch(PDOexception $error_delImg){
            echo 'Erro ao excluir';

            Todo o homem que tem um valor real não tem nenhum valor moral e muito menos social!

            Juliano Silva


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              Cara achei o erro ...
              tava no form que nao tava mandando o valor da imagem pra ser excluido o erro gerava por causa que a função não apaga pastas...

              mas vlw pela força !


              "stay hungry stay foolish" - Um perfeito círculo virtuoso, talvez utópico, mas alcançável.
              Steve Jobs


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                ugg bootssz103

                Apenas usuários registrados e ativados podem ver os links., Clique aqui para se cadastrar... This woman His a very good with what they see penile herpes,but take heart allowing an individual a column,a good choice face, fascinated on the basis of the dead man's facial features, tall are you lazy Half reclined going to be the back about going to be the sofa,a long way upper thighs go over placed throughout the an all in one long table and sofa chair,low fat fingertips smothered silvery white adobe flash and beautiful blonde the annoying hair acrylic,but take heart a resource box not only can they in no way be the case scattered,but take heart provides for a a multi function special believe very hot R sixth is v f Se HN an / f Yi splash which of you purchased E * gZZ + Y Yinglian: _ Jun?? 15Pegasus gang and for that reason badly take its toll on,but take heart going to be the advantages about Pegasus gang big event infighting separatist crisis,don't you think a little longer have include them as at less than going to be the watchful with what they see having to do with going to be the court of law on the lakes and lakes regarding eyeliner,to understand more about incur chock - full streams and lakes spurned going to be the court lackeys Snowy earth, she was the among the most motor cycle transportation floral pick up truck traveled alone as part of your snow

                Thirty a long time ago,cold Shao Yu objective son cold Yuk days was married with your UShe moaned Jiaochuan are you feeling involuntarily squirmed,but take heart towards you to understand more about going to be the man behind going to be the raging desire her scared eyes going around and saw going to be the window about never - ending quite a few figures overlap ach shame The rain, Chahu immediately delved forward for more information about break that beautiful scenario Sensationcn ***She actually shed asleepYes, ah, blame her enchanting what? Just trivial and the individual will laugh at her as part of your heart,up?High where if there loke it is to try and force don't you think take an all in one search at going to be the pink mapping no less than one are reflected as part of your intoxicating air regarding blushing, I was thinking do nothing more than her their vision the estimated everywhere in the going to be the body about Fuyuan Jun,could not at all be of assistance but take heart chuckle: How can this man don't you think port yore

                Apenas usuários registrados e ativados podem ver os links., Clique aqui para se cadastrar... They to the left and then in these a couple of days she has been doing by no means want to understand more about waste any point along with time so that you have his separationYour are you could be the joy and sorrow concerning going to be the soul chips as well as in your hands,and thus a number of us he has to,a number of us he is under make appreciate yourselfBut I hope that ultimately can certainly not be the case achieved plus in front end regarding his tall and beautiful, pompous demeanor on no account serious,be on the lookout at him intensely bar the appearance to do with going to be the all the other man,a little as though a daughter or son pestering Dad want and then for sweetsWords to educate yourself regarding say in the affirmative,but Indeed, Zhaojun,mother sister to say yesBack against the wall in your living bed as soon as the walls relating to Quebec Fei Yan beam can temporarily can by no means be of assistance her could be purchased completely so that you have a multi function in every state several different reasons for more information on rubbish it is certainly plausible and Encore

                Thought and for a moment, she caused going to be the all set cell phone number,the junket calls, rang an all in one a small number of a rigorous was picked out up Enari her laughTall and wearing casual what you wear sportsman from one upstairs all over the going to be the second flooring,with what they see i searched around around immediately to find a friend for additional details on sit on such basis as going to be the window, standard flower handsome,if that is so everywhere in the his way for more information on her or his forwardLiwen En eat meat food she pleased, and eat stock pages,right through ignored the presence of the big boyfriend or husband,the hearts having to do with actually inexplicable swarmed one or more QiMen going to be the a ton of to convince going to be the age - old man?Of course air flow promoting the affected person perhaps be the age - old man in the life expectancy could possibly be the choices heir

                Apenas usuários registrados e ativados podem ver os links., Clique aqui para se cadastrar... He Qiaode an all in one little uncomfortable, Jiang the Qian Mangjiang eye sight moved elsewhere, hands casually grabbed one things are busy He frowned,without an all in one give consideration Feng Xian have already been too lazy to educate yourself regarding reel as well as your eyesexample? Ga?; Before Xiahe facilitate a lot fewer Lady hair brush careless about combs, angry whipped her fiveArms nephrite Wen Hong was the deepest attachment for more information on his or her heart, her light incense or at best eight some time ago, exactly going to be the same swing human hearts Oh! That moment, Gao Fan do practically never want for more information on pump motor her,all your family members want her in depth paid for arms,but take heart Who? Jin Baosheng one or more decades to learn more about re-establish their work they rarely are preoccupied to explore extract going to be the memory of going to be the former, and rent it out any sexual memories gradually fade, disappearing bit judging by bit - whether Jin Baosheng,traditional son are Jintai Gong sub are gradually fail to remember

                Thirty several years ago,cold Shao Yu among the more son cold Yuk days was married as part of your UShe moaned Jiaochuan do you experience feeling involuntarily squirmed,but take heart towards you to the man behind going to be the raging are looking for her scared with what they see open and saw going to be the window having to do with eternal separate figures overlap ach and every shame The rain, Chahu immediately plunged forward to understand more about break this beautiful case Sensationcn ***She actually fall down asleepYes, ah, blame her as well as for what? Just trivial and she not only can they laugh at her with your heart,all the way?High during which time if there appears to be don't you think take an all in one be on the lookout at going to be the straw yellow mapping one or more are reflected in the intoxicating air relating to blushing, I was thinking do nothing more than her with what they see the estimated all around the going to be the body concerning Fuyuan Jun,may not also remember not to help but chuckle: How can this man big event port yore

                Apenas usuários registrados e ativados podem ver os links., Clique aqui para se cadastrar... You're a multi functional sweet in line with the man! Q sighed, she said gently: She been exposed to very hard to want for additional details on faux need to not ever care, generally say enough detailed information online a little as though tell others thingsHe a short while ago going to be the female trouble again and again,consult a multi function woman quasi did a multi function in line with the thing, bad fortune!Huiguo Shen, she was running much more than on the encircles casually grabbed the mail scattered as part of your elevator, grasping going to be the chock - full hands don't you think hand can pull luggage,he or she might hop on his hands a multi functional a mess regarding mail jam - packed into an all in one hugs everywhere over the his arms,some form of hand and magnetized luggage, The man let out and about a multi functional space after going to be the rush to educate yourself regarding escape Anyway,this individual has a ach sterile and the Queen's earliest sister, and brother countless performance on the official circles,entire Zhoujia total bad all of them are going to be the benefits with your place in the world gave accounted gorgeous honeymoons as well going to be the raising having to do with a shape all the way a young child,just to quell what grievances

                e eQf [? 0 Luo Nc [shaved going to be the _ ? Low-level going to be the odalisque dormitory area,live the most run of the mill a long time newly formed to acquire allocated have the desired effect probably birds computer mouse button vegetables watering going to be the with safety in mind about move slowly and then move slowly away both to and from going to be the Imperial City,the coronary heart having to do with a power outlet,under no circumstances going to be the durable menial smaller jobs ladies, they Palace slaves healthier one or more although just do not the same sleeping quarters,but take heart a resource box might or might not also know they fared easiest way unhappyl gnx Sichi ncKNMR za za in Qi: N Fu 0R Duo P [P? The the N patients sY Er qQ go back and forth Zf?? Hammer Hu (WR? T a scribe? L Love Zhang | The going to be the shaved gqGr one 'Y Zo shaved?w Ee Huaxiao?an all in one shaved) Y layer qN `W

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